Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Third Temple in Jerusalem's Temple Mount

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem, Israel is determined to build the Third Temple on the most contested site in the whole world - The Temple Mount

When will this temple be built? 

FIRST: The Nation Created 
In 1948, Israel became a nation. 
In 1949 (January-July), Israel signed several armistice agreements with her neighbors Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria to finally obtain nationhood (blood red moons: 1949-50 coinciding with the Biblical feasts of Passover and Tabernacles)

SECOND: The Capital City Won
In 1967, Israel won over Jerusalem city in the 6-day war (blood red moons: 1967-68 coinciding with the Biblical feasts of Passover and Tabernacles)

THIRD: The Temple Rebuilt?? 
Will Israel obtain permission to build her temple on the Temple Mount in 2014-15? (blood red moons 2014-15 coinciding with the Biblical feasts of Passover and Tabernacles)

Clearly, the Israeli Jews are eager to build their temple: Check out these two videos depicting the sentiments of the citizens...