My Rapture Letter


I have drafted this letter on June 4, 2014 (posted online on June 12, 2014) in anticipation of a worldwide event when millions (including I) will vanish… as prophesied in the Holy Bible.

I want you to know that I am a BORN AGAIN BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST. The event called “Rapture” or “Harpazo” (or as The Holy Bible calls it, the “catching up”) has just occurred worldwide.  This means that I have, along with the millions of other TRUE CHRISTIANS around the world been taken into Heaven with Jesus Christ.  

Why? Not because I was “good enough” but because I trusted in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, His shedding of blood for the remission of my sins, and His resurrection giving me victory over sin and death. Those below the age of accountability (children, infants, etc.) as well have probably gone missing. We have not vaporized or been abducted by any UFOs or aliens… I want you to be assured that we are now SAFE with the Lord Jesus in Heaven. 

There are events prophesied in the Holy Bible that are about to take place (from the books in the Bible: Daniel, Isaiah, Psalms, Ezekiel, Matthew, Luke, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, and Revelation). 

I hope that you will heed these warnings in order to protect yourself as well as your remaining loved ones. 

  1. Israel will be attacked by nations around her… the Almighty God Himself will protect her. 
  2. Damascus will be utterly destroyed and cease to exist (perhaps by nuclear war). 
  3. A worldwide political leader will rise (do not trust this person!). He is referred to as the Anti-Christ in the Bible. He will make a 7-year covenant of peace (known in the Bible as the “Tribulation”) with many nations including Israel. [Luke 10:18 in the Holy Bible says: …and Jesus said, “I saw satan fall like lightning from the heights of heaven.” When this verse is translated into Hebrew, it reads as “…and Jesus said, “I saw satan as Barack Obama.”  Please do not trust this man or anything he says! It is possible that Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ… it is also possible that he is not, but someone else will take centre-stage as the political leader of the world. Do not be deceived by this person – the Anti-Christ will be indwelt by satan himself as mentioned in the Holy Bible.]
  4. At the same time, there will also arise a worldwide spiritual leader (known in the Bible as the “False Prophet”) who will cause people of the world to worship the Anti-Christ and his government instead of true living God (Jesus Christ). [It is highly suspected that Pope Francis is this False Prophet. Please do not be swayed by his charm… and his one-world-religion narrative.]
  5. Israeli Jews will be allowed to rebuild their temple on the Temple Mount area and daily sacrifices and temple worship will commence there. 
  6. The Anti-Christ will mandate all people of all nations to take a mark (known in the Bible as “Mark of the Beast” -- predictions are that the mark will be linked to following Islam) on their foreheads/hands to transact (buy/sell goods). DO NOT TAKE THIS MARK AT ANY COST… EVEN IF IT MEANS YOUR DEATH. 
  7. Once the 7-year peace covenant is signed and the Jewish temple is rebuilt, for the next 1260 days (~ 3.5 years) there will be a FALSE sense of peace and security/safety.
  8. At this time, there will be wars, economic collapse, tragedies, pestilences, deaths, nuclear wars, etc. 
  9. After the 1260 days, the Anti-Christ will break the peace covenant. He will enter the Jewish temple and declare himself as god and will desecrate the temple. This temple desecration is known as the “Abomination of Desolation”. 
  10. The Jews will be severely persecuted from this point onwards. They will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and will flee (esp. those in Judea and Samaria) into Petra (perhaps) to hide being killed by the Anti-Christ and his one world government. 
  11. All those who will put their trust in Jesus Christ as the Messiah of the world and as their personal Saviour will be hunted down and martyred by the order of the Anti-Christ and his government. This event is going to be worse than the Jewish Holocaust! 
  12. At the end of the 7 years, the True King of the World, Jesus Christ, will return to earth with his entire army (including those who have been raptured) and will overthrow the kingdom and the world system of the Anti-Christ! The Lord Jesus will establish His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years! 

As you read this, I beseech you to open your heart to the Lord Jesus. Consider this letter seriously… and I suggest the following steps that you may do:

    You may pray this prayer: “Heavenly Father, I confess that I am a sinner and have sinned against You. Please forgive me for not heeding Your earlier warnings to me. I need a Saviour to wipe away my past mistakes and to give me a fresh start. Please come into my heart. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Son of the One True Living God. By His death on the cross, shedding of His perfect blood, You have made a provision for my forgiveness. Thank You, Lord,  for dying for me, for all my sins. I put my trust in You. I renounce my idols, past religion, my sins, and the demands of this world system, and turn completely to You for my salvation. Make me Yours that one day I can be with You. I ask all this in the Name of Jesus, Amen!”
  • READ AND STUDY THE HOLY BIBLE. There are numerous Bibles online and offline.,, Please abide in the Word of God. 
  • If you are reading this after the rapture, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST AT ANY COST (EVEN TO THE POINT OF DEATH - esp. by beheading). Taking the mark will completely disqualify a person from entering into Jesus Christ’s Kingdom! Do not take any kind of (perhaps) a micro-chip in your body…that chip/device will have the ability to somehow alter your DNA. It could even be some kind of a band to tie around your forehead/hand… stay away from this. Hide yourself from the world system and stay close to those who have put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ during the 7 years. 
  • DO NOT BELIEVE IF ANYONE SAYS THEY ARE THE MESSIAH. If you hear anyone say that they are the Messiah, do not believe them…even if they perform signs and wonders. There might be an apparition of mother Mary, as well as Prophet Isa (Jesus) claiming that he is not the son of God and that the Anti-Christ is the true son of God. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS LIE. 
  • SUPPORT ISRAEL AND THE JEWS. Do not hate the Jews or the nation of Israel…they are the apple of God’s eye. The Holy Bible makes it very clear that God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel. Help Jews in your neighbourhood as well as around the world. 
  • BE A BOLD CHRISTIAN AND STAND FIRM FOR THE LORD. The Lord Jesus stood for you when He died on the cross and shed His blood for the remission of your sins. During the 7-year period, being a TRUE Christian will be most definitely risky! Be not afraid of death…to be absent from the body is to be present before the Lord! True Christians would be martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ – but the Lord Jesus will raise such true believers from the dead…into eternal life.  

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the God of Israel. He is the One True Living God. There are no other gods…all other are false imitations. God the Father (“Heavenly Father”), God the Son (“Jesus Christ”), and God the Spirit (Holy Spirit) are one. THEY LOVE YOU and want you to choose them…choose life in Christ. Reject every lie of the Anti-Christ and False Prophet (particularly what is projected through mainstream media). 

Be patient in tribulation. Count it all joy to face trials… SOON the Lord will save you and preserve you for Heaven and life eternal.  Satan, the father of lies, will be permanently defeated! 

Please CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR GOD… Choose Life… He wins at the end of the Book (Bible)! All other fake gods lose at the end of the Book! 

For all those left behind, I pray God’s protection upon you. I pray that He would open your spiritual eyes to recognize the signs of the times and inspire you to choose Life. I pray that you repent of your sins and put your entire trust in Jesus Christ. I pray that He would count you as one of the Tribulation Saints. The Holy Bible is the Word of God. I pray that you will find the strength and ability and desire to study it and stand by it. Stand for Jesus Christ. 

In the Name above every other name, Jesus, I pray. Amen! 

God bless you! 
