Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Passion - A Poem

I had wept through the movie "The Passion of the Christ". Such pain and ordeal that our Savior went through! 

I was reminded of what the Holy Spirit had spoken to me about the violence/gore depicted in the movie... "the real event was much worse than shown in the movie!"

May we never lose sight of or make light the cross of Jesus Christ!!

Folks had warned me loud & clear that I couldn't take the violence
But I was not a puny insect who by a repellent mat is silenced.
I would watch with open eyes the last great hours of my Lord
Through which He His passion and His love for me has shown.

From the very first scene of the movie I saw His heart open
Greatly humbled was I to see Him determined to be broken
Who am I that Someone should love me deeply, fully so?
His death was not for 'no reason' but for the life He'd foretold.

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, there ain't no life
Unless you and I do our part there won't be an end to the world strife
We need the greatest measure of His presence more and more today
It is time to listen to Him to obey; He has so much He'd like to say.

I truly repent the many days I didn't acknowledge the price
Our Lover shed His own pure blood, brought Isaiah 53 to life.
Nothing, no one better than Him, so commit our lives to Him anew
No more living in the past, but pressing on to the life brand new.

I thank You Father that You have such awesome a plan
To bring Your lost people back to You, back to where we belong.
I thank You that the fruit of the Tree of Life awaits.
Thank You that the reward for those who die to self is great.