Thursday, June 5, 2014

Boring Genealogy?? Look Again! (Genesis 5)

Adam begat Seth who begat Enosh who begat Kenan who begat Mahalalel who begat Jared who begat Enoch who begat Methuselah who begat Lamech who begat Noah.
- Genesis 5 


Adam means "man"

Seth means "appointed"

Enosh means "subject to death" or "mortal"

Kenan means "sorrowful"

Mahalalel means "from the presence of God"

Jared means "one comes down"

Enoch means "dedicated" or "teaching"

Methuselah means "dying he shall send" or "his death shall bring"

Lamech means "to the poor and lowly"

Noah means "rest or comfort"


Putting all those names together... we have the story of salvation - from the garden of Eden to the cross of Calvary...

Man... appointed... subject to death... sorrowful... from the presence of God... One (Jesus) comes down... dedicated/teaching... His death shall bring... to the poor and lowly... rest or comfort ! 

This is the GOSPEL (Good News)! John 3:16 - God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 

Hallelujah! THANK YOU, LORD! Your Word is flawless!