Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Obama - The Anti-Christ?

The following image was "officially" tweeted through the White House twitter account. Quite significant!

1) The picture of Obama in the White House though photo-shopped is "officially" released by the White House...Obama has a crown on his lap and a bow on the table in front.  

2) Revelation 6:2 -- the (anti-Christ) rider of white horse was given a bow and a crown...he will go around conquering (in the name of peace). Same imagery as that in the picture. 

3) The iron throne of King Joffrey (on which Obama is seated) -- Joffrey means "peace"... King of peace??? Anti- Christ (revelation 6 ready!). Revelation 4-5 to take place...which is the rapture and true Christians in heaven! 

4) In the same picture, there are also three dragon eggs with colors white, green and red. Revelation 6 discusses these three as riders on the white, red, and pale horses---- signifying war and death! Black egg not shown...but throne on which Obama sitting is black.... Economic collapse and famine also coming! 

5) Rick Wiles states that this picture indicates that Obama is ready to be the Anti-Christ. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/rick-wiles-points-game-thrones-tweet-prove-obama-antichrist

Source: PurviGiggle
